Source: GenBank Assembly ( ID GCA_902536085.1 )
Description: -
Molecule type: -
Organism: uncultured Pelagibacteraceae bacterium
Synonyms: -
Assembly type: na
Assembly level: Contig
Assembly method: -
Genome representation: full
Excluded from RefSeq: derived from environmental source
RefSeq category: -
GenBank assembly accession: GCA_902536085.1 (latest)
RefSeq assembly accession: - (latest)
RefSeq assembly and GenBank assembly identical: -
WGS Project: CACAWF01
Genome coverage: 1209x
Accession in other database: -
Sequencing technology: -
Release date: 2019-10-28
Updated: -
status: -
Global statistics
Number of regions with alternate loci or patches | |
Total sequence length | |
Total length of gaps | |
Total ungapped length | |
Number of spanned gaps | |
Number of unspanned gaps | |
Number of scaffolds | |
Scaffold L50 | |
Scaffold N50 | |
Number of contigs | |
Contig N50 | |
Total number of chromosomes and plasmids |
Note: Statistics shown for all assembly-unit. See the statistics report for additional statistics.
Project ID | Sample ID | Assembly accession | Organism | Molecule type | Genome representation | File |
Sequence name | Molecule name | GenBank sequence | Relationship | RefSeq sequence | Unlocalized sequences count |
Sequence name | Chromosome assignment | GenBank ID | Relationship | RefSeq ID | Scaffold role |