CNGBdb has aggregated large amounts of molecular data and associated information from CNGB, NCBI, EBI, DDBJ and other platforms. 10 types of data are interconnected and indexed by the search engine for efficient retrieval. The data are also correlated with bio-samples and even living organisms to ensure full lifecycle traceability.
CNGB E-BioBank (EBB) is dedicated to building a bridge between bio-sample holders and users by sharing large collections of bio-sample information as well as a continuously-updated catalogue of biobanks. Through the platform users can get access to resources of CNGB and our partner biobanks at home and abroad.
CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is a convenient online submission system for biological research projects, samples, experiments, runs, assemblies, variations and other data. By facilitating the storage, management, publication and sharing of the omics data, it strives to promote data reuse and scientific progress.
Submission portal
Based on research projects supported by and resources stored in CNGB, CNGBdb has developed multiple scientific databases to advance scientific discoveries in major research areas, such as plants, animals, micro-organisms, health and diseases, etc. The databases provide not only high-quality datasets but also specialized analysis tools.
Datamart is an open data hub that collects datasets in diversified research fields, including plants, animals, microbes, and diseases, etc. Aside from accessing the data resources at Datamart, users can also customize their own datasets as a smart and handy method to share and manage their own data, or display their research outcomes.
CNGBdb reinforces the BLAST toolset by integrating CNGB’s exclusive data resources as available reference databases, alongside the NCBI nt and nr libraries. Powered by the blockchain technology, Secure Computing allows multiple users to perform joint analysis without revealing their raw data and thus promotes safe data sharing.
Analyzing tool
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