Assembly ID: GCA_003076895.1


Source: GenBank Assembly ( ID GCA_003076895.1 )

Description: -

Molecule type: -

Organism: Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Synonyms: -

Assembly type: na

Assembly level: Complete Genome

Assembly method: HGAP v. 3.0

Genome representation: full

Excluded from RefSeq: -

RefSeq category: -

GenBank assembly accession: GCA_003076895.1 (latest)

RefSeq assembly accession: GCF_003076895.1 (latest)

RefSeq assembly and GenBank assembly identical: yes

WGS Project: -

Genome coverage: 163.0x

Accession in other database: -

Sequencing technology: PacBio

Release date: 2018-05-02

Updated: -

Literature(s): -

status: -


Global statistics

Number of regions with alternate loci or patches
Total sequence length
Total length of gaps
Total ungapped length
Number of spanned gaps
Number of unspanned gaps
Number of scaffolds
Scaffold L50
Scaffold N50
Number of contigs
Contig N50
Total number of chromosomes and plasmids

Note: Statistics shown for all assembly-unit. See the statistics report for additional statistics.

Project IDSample IDAssembly accessionOrganismMolecule typeGenome representationFile
Sequence nameMolecule nameGenBank sequenceRelationshipRefSeq sequenceUnlocalized sequences count

Sequence nameChromosome assignmentGenBank IDRelationshipRefSeq IDScaffold role

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