Literature ID: PMID17665973

  Expert Opin Ther Targets,2007/8;11(8):1005-9.

TIM-3 as a therapeutic target in human inflammatory diseases.

  Source:  NCBI PubMed  ( ID PMID:17665973 )

  IF:6.797  Cited:19  Endnote Download
  1. Center for Neurologic Diseases, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, MA 02115, Boston, USA.


T-cell immunoglobulin- and mucin-domain-containing molecule-3 (Tim-3) was the first, and is presently the only, surface molecule that can specifically identify T(H)1 cells in both mice and humans. Engagement of Tim-3 by its ligand galectin-9 negatively regulates IFN-gamma secretion and influences the ability to induce T cell tolerance in both mice and man. Numerous studies have demonstrated that Tim-3 influences autoimmune diseases, including diabetes and multiple sclerosis, and its role in other inflammatory diseases including allergies and cancer is beginning to become clear.

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