The Literature database provides biomedical literature retrieval, enables users to do bilingual retrieval(Chinese and English). Original data source of Literature database includes GigaScience, NCBI Pubmed, Europe PMC, etc. The main available information includes title, abstract, keywords, cited, reference, related data etc.
The Gene database provides species gene retrieval. Original data source of Gene database includes NCBI Gene database. The main available information includes gene name, chromosomal location, gene product and its attributes, genome of a gene, gene sequence, gene variation, etc.
The Variation database provides human genomic variation retrieval. Original data source of Variation database includes dbSNP, dbVar, ClinVar, etc. The main available information includes genome variation(HGVS), location, organism, population frequency, related disease, phenotype, literature, etc.
The Protein database provides protein sequence retrieval. Original data source of Protein database includes Uniprot. The main available information includes protein name, protein length, organism, protein-coding gene etc.
The Sequence database provides nucleic acid sequence retrieval. Original data source of Sequence database includes NCBI Refseq, Genbank, WGS, TSA etc. The main available information includes sequence title, species, length, fastq file etc.
The Project database provides open access project retrieval. Original data source of Project database includes CNSA, NCBI BioProject. The main available information includes project title, description, data type, etc., which can help users to gain data sets information they need quickly and precisely.
The Sample database provides experimental biological source materials retrieval. Original datasource of sample database includes CNSA, EBB, NCBI BioSample etc. The main available information includes sample name, organism, sample type, description, etc.
The Experiment database provides the experimental information retrieval, including sequencing library preparation, sequencing instrument, sequencing method, etc. Original data source of Experiment database includes CNSA, NCBI SRA etc. The main available information includes experiment title, sequencing platform, library construction strategy, library source, and library option.
The assembly database provides assembly data retrieval. Original data source of Assembly database includes CNSA and NCBI assembly data. The main available information includes assembly name, molecular type, sequencing technology, assembly method, etc.
The taxonomy database provides more than two million species information retrieval. Original data source of taxonomy database includes the NCBI Taxonomy. The main available information includes the scientific name of species or related nomenclature, lineage information, and other sub resources associated with the species.