Probing pathways by which rhynchophylline modifies sleep using spatial transcriptomics(Dataset ID: STDS0000218)



Dataset information
Here, we investigated the effects of Rhynchophylline (RHY) on the mouse brain spatial transcriptome. More precisely, we injected male and female mice intraperitoneally with either saline (NaCl) or RHY, either at Zeitgeber time (ZT referring to time in hour after light onset) 0 or at ZT0 and ZT11. Brains were sampled at ZT4 or ZT14, respectively, and immediately frozen embedded in OCT. Brains were treated and libraries were prepared according to 10x Genomics protocols for Visium Spatial Gene Expression. Sequencing was conducted by Genome Quebec (Montreal, Quebec, Canada). Findings reveal molecular routes by which RHY acts on the brain in a sleep-relevant context. Please cite the original paper when using these data (Ballester Roig et al., Biol Direct, 2023).
Overall design:
Brain transcriptiome measured 3 to 4 hours after one or two intraperitoneal injection of Rhynchophylline (RHY, 100 mg/kg) conducted at two different times of the day (ZT0 or ZT0 and ZT11) in male and female C57BL/6J mice that were kept under a 12 h light:12 h dark cycle. The same measurements were conducted in mice receiving saline (acting as controls). The total number of samples for this project is thus 8 (one female receiving RHY at ZT0, one female receiving saline at ZT0, one female receiving RHY at ZT0 and ZT11, one female receiving saline at ZT0 and ZT11, one male receiving RHY at ZT0, one male receiving saline at ZT0, one male receiving RHY at ZT0 and ZT11, one male receiving saline at ZT0 and ZT11). The brain transcriptome was quantified with the Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slide & Reagent Kit (10x Genomics). ***Please note that raw fastq files for two samples have been damaged during file storage and thus are not provided (female receiving RHY at ZT0 and female receiving saline at ZT0 and ZT11). BAM files of these two samples are provided in GSE218537.***
10x Visium
Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Mus musculus(mm10)
Submission date: 2022-11-01Update date: 2023-08-08
Sample number: 8Section number: 8

Mongrain, Valerie,Ballester Roig, Maria Neus,Dufort-Gervais, Julien

GEO Series Accessions: GSE217058

Reference way
Citation: Ballester Roig, Maria Neus et al. “Probing pathways by which rhynchophylline modifies sleep using spatial transcriptomics.” Biology direct vol. 18,1 21. 5 May. 2023, doi:10.1186/s13062-023-00377-7