What Type of Data We Support?
CNGBdb offers data submission and archiving services through CNGB sequence archive (CNSA) and STOmicsDB.
- CNSA: provides comprehensive archiving for multiple omics data types, including raw sequencing data (e.g. FASTQ, BAM), assembly data, single-cell data, variation data, metabolism data, protein data, and sequence (GENBANK) data. For details, please see the CNSA handbook.
- STOmicsDB: provides spatial transcriptomics and other spatial-omics data archiving and visualization services. For details, please see the STOmicsDB submission handbook.
Submission FAQ
1. How to submit data?
The submission process consists of four steps:
- Create a Project: Create a new project by providing basic information (e.g., title, research scope). Upon successful creation, a project accession number (e.g., CNP0000001) will be automatically assigned.
- Create a Sample: Select the appropriate sample template based on species and fill in metadata (e.g., Taxonomy ID).
- Upload Data Files: Upload data files (such as FASTQ, BAM files) to the CNGBdb server via FTP, Aspera, etc.
- Create Data Submission: Create a data submission according to the data type, and fill in the relevant metadata (such as associated project number, file name, MD5 value, etc.), linking it to the relevant Project and Sample to complete the data archiving.
NOTE: CNGBdb will review your projects, samples, and data after you have completed the data metadata submission.
2 How long is the review time after data submission?
After you finish the data submission, CNGBdb will review the project and data within 1-3 working days.
3 Can I add data to an existing project?
Yes. If you need to add data to an existing project, please create a NEW data submission, then fill in your previous project accession number in the project accession field. The system will automatically link it to the existing project.
4 How to obtain the project accession number for citation?
The project accession number (e.g., CNP0000001) is automatically generated upon project submission.
However, this project accession number becomes publicly accessible only after the project’s designated release date.
5 How to cite the project in the manuscript?
If your data is deposited in CNGBdb, the project can be cited in your manuscript with its accession number (e.g., CNP0000001) as follows:
The data that support the findings of this study have been deposited into CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA)[1] of China National GeneBank DataBase with accession number CNPXXXXXXX.
[1] Guo XQ, Chen FZ, Gao F, et al. CNSA: a data repository for archiving omics data. Database (Oxford). 2020;2020:baaa055. doi:10.1093/database/baaa055.
6 How to get the reviewer link?
If the journal requires you to provide a reviewer link as evidence that the data has been archived in CNSA, you can send an email to datasubs@cngb.org with the project number (CNPXXXXXXX).
Please note that this link only displays metadata (such as project description, sample information) and does not include raw data files.
NOTE: The reviewer link CANNOT be placed in the manuscript, since it will expire in six months.
Need help?
If you have any questions, please contact us by email: datasubs@cngb.org.