Redefining electrical stimulation safety using spatial transcriptomics
Dataset ID: STDS0000166


Dataset information
Current standards for safe delivery of electrical stimulation to the central nervous system are based on foundational studies which examined post-mortem tissue for histological signs of damage. This set of observations and the subsequently proposed limits to safe stimulation, termed the “Shannon limits,” allow for a simple calculation (using charge per phase and charge density) to determine the intensity of electrical stimulation that can be delivered safely to brain tissue. In the three decades since the Shannon limits were reported, advances in molecular biology have allowed for more nuanced and detailed approaches to be used to expand current understanding of the physiological effects of stimulation. Here, we investigated spatial transcriptomics as a new approach to assess the safety and efficacy of electrical stimulation in the brain. Electrical stimulation was delivered to the rat visual cortex with either acute or chronic electrode implantation procedures (acute: tissue collection 3 hours post-stimulation on the day of surgery; chronic: stimulation delivered 1-month post-implantation, and tissue collection 24 hours later). To explore the influence of device type and stimulation parameters, we used carbon fiber ultramicroelectrode arrays (7 µm diameter) and microwire electrode arrays (50 µm diameter) delivering charge and charge density levels selected above and below reported tissue damage thresholds (range: 2-20 nC, 0.1-1 mC/cm2). Spatial transcriptomics was performed using Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slides (10x Genomics), which enabled simultaneous immunohistochemistry and spatial transcriptomics to directly compare traditional histological metrics to transcriptional profiles within each tissue sample. Our data revealed unique spatial patterns of differentially expressed genes that are related to cellular processes including inflammation, cell cycle progression, and plasticity. Effects were dependent on stimulation parameters and were localized to both traditional and ultra-small device locations. The abundance of data gathered using this approach allows for sophisticated analysis that can be used to generate new hypotheses while also revealing novel potential biomarkers of neurostimulation.
Overall design:
10 micron tissue section from Long-evans rat visual cortex ~600 microns deep
10x Visium
Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Rattus norvegicus)
Rattus norvegicus(Rnor_6.0)
Organ parts:
Visual cortex
Whitsitt, Quentin A et al. “Spatial Transcriptomics as a Novel Approach to Redefine Electrical Stimulation Safety.” Frontiers in neuroscience vol. 16 937923. 19 Jul. 2022, doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.937923
Submission date: 2022-05-06Update date: 2022-07-01
Sample number: 6Section number: 6

Whitsitt, Quentin; Koo, Beomseo; Celik, Mahmut E; Evans, Blake; Purcell, Erin K; Weiland, James D

GEO Series Accessions: GSE202425