China National GeneBank

The role of gut microbiome in plateau pika for hypoxia adaption
The role of gut microbiome in plateau pika for hypoxia adaption

Description: Using plateau pika (living at an altitude of 4000m) as animal model, germ-free mice as receptors of fecal microbiota transplantation and specified pathogen free mice as control, this project is to illustrate the role of gut microbiome during hypoxia adaptation by applying metagenomic sequencing, culturomics, and simulated high-altitude hypoxia stress etc.

Data type: Raw sequence data, MAGs, Bacterial complete genomes

Sample scope: Gut contents

Organization: Yunnan University

Keywords: Plateau pika, Gut Microbiome, Hypoxia adaptation

Related species:Pika(Ochotona curzoniae)

Updated: 2022-03-23