CNGB Agricultural Digital Service Platform

A leading gene sequencing platform

China National Gene Bank currently has the world's leading gene sequencing platform and the nation's leading database and corresponding information analysis platform with Pb-level annual data output capacity. The gene bank reading platform all uses domestically-made sequencers, which can provide low-cost, high-throughput sequencing services for agricultural research institutions and enterprises. At the same time, in frontier fields such as single cell, a standardized and automated single-cell sequencing platform has been built, with an annual single-cell output capacity of 30 million. The re-sequencing of 3,000 rice in 2011 took one year, about 4.5 million yuan, today, the same work can be completed within three months with 500,000 yuan. The gene bank can provide low-cost and high-throughput sequencing services for agricultural research institutions and enterprises, quickly transform germplasm resources into germplasm gene data resources, long-term preservation and development and utilization, and create a new model of germplasm + gene rapid breeding.

Strong data output ability

  • Pb-level annual data output capacity
  • 500,000 samples/year processing capacity
  • 365 days a year × 24 hours high saturation operation

High degree of informatization and automation

  • From library preparation to data output, the whole process is automated and informatized
  • Efficient, fast, and traceable