BLAST for 1,000 plants
Chlorokybus atmophyticus
Chlorokybus atmophyticus
Chlorokybus atmophyticus

Wikipedia description

Chlorokybus is a genus of charophyte containing the sole species Chlorokybus atmophyticus, a soil alga found in alpine areas. It sometimes has been classified as the sole member of the class Chlorokybophyceae Sluiman & Guihal, 1999.

Chlorokybus is apparently a rare alga from two terrestrial habitats in Austria.

Scientific classification

Clade: Green Algae
Order: Klebsormidiales
Family: Klebsormidiaceae
Species: Chlorokybus atmophyticus


Sample nameSample codeTissueRNA extractorSample providerBLASTSRA dataAssembly data
AZZW-Chlorokybus_atmophyticusAZZWclonal culture, vegetativeM. MelkonianM. Melkonian