10,000 Plant Genomes Project(ID: GDS0000001)

The 10,000 plants (tenKP or 10KP) aims to sequence over 10,000 genomes representing every major clade of plants and eukaryotic microbes(nearly the entire plant kingdom) through extensive global collaboration, comprehensive resource collection, and systematic scientific design and research. This project would generate large-scale plant genome data within the next five years (2017-2022), addressing fundamental questions about biodiversity, plant evolution, ecological protection.The announcement of the 10KP Project was published on July 27, 2017, 8:00 AM in Science, which was sampling phylogenetic diversity, not just crops and model organisms. The 10KP Project will be a key part of the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP).

Contributors: fanyannan@genomics.cn, zhanglei2@genomics.cn, wanglina1@genomics.cn

Classification: Plant

Data type: genome annotation, genome sequencing, genome assembly, transcriptome sequencing, others