Tree view

The total number of samples is counted. One row is a run in the right Run data table.

    387 woody bamboos 17239 8



    Sequecing transcriptome and chloroplast of 387 woody bamboos representing in 15 clades in Asia and a fully resolved phylogenetic tree derived from protein-coding genes and LSC regions.


      Source:  CNGB Project  ( ID CNP0000502 )

    Project name: -

    Description: -

    Data type : -

    Sample scope: -

    Relevance: -

    Submitter: -

    Organization: -

    Accession in other database: -

    Literature(s): -

    Release date: -

    Updated: -

    DOI: -


    • Assembly: -
    • Sample: -
    • Experiments: -
    • Runs: -

    Data size : -

    Other details

    Referenced accession ID :

    The dataset references CNP0000502, thanks to the submitters and researchers of the data.

    How to site the dataset :

    To respect the results of the dataset creator and updater, it is recommended to reference the dataset accession ID in the article :

    The dataset that support this study is DATAXXXXXX which was created in CNGBdb(
