Tree view

The total number of samples is counted. One row is a run in the right Run data table.

    Data of Ruili Botanical Garden 38761 12



    761 samples representing 689 vascular plant species from 137 families and 49 orders have been sampled and sequenced by researchers from the China National GeneBank, BGI, and the Forestry Bureau of Ruili, China. The plant samples are all from in and around the 500-hectare Botanical Garden in Ruili, a subtropical part of China bordering Myanmar. Being in a biologically rich part of China, the garden is committed to protecting endangered and Chinese-endemic plants, including the preservation and archiving of these germplasm resources to assist with their long-term conservation. This project is the world's first scientific and systematic attempt to digitize a whole botanical garden based on genomic as well as voucher specimen information. In total, the researchers produced 54 terabytes of sequencing data, with an average sequencing depth of 60X per species.


      Source:  CNGB Project  ( ID CNPhis0000538 )

    Project name: -

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    Accession in other database: -

    Literature(s): -

    Release date: -

    Updated: -

    DOI: -


    • Assembly: -
    • Sample: -
    • Experiments: -
    • Runs: -

    Data size : -

    Other details

    Referenced accession ID :

    The dataset references CNPhis0000538, thanks to the submitters and researchers of the data.

    How to site the dataset :

    To respect the results of the dataset creator and updater, it is recommended to reference the dataset accession ID in the article :

    The dataset that support this study is DATAXXXXXX which was created in CNGBdb(
