Creator: chenfengzhen@genomics.cn
MetaHIT (metagenomics of humanintestinal tract) is a project financed by the European Commission under the 7th FP program. The consortium gathers 13 partners from academia and industry, a total of 8 countries. Its total cost has been evaluated at more than 21,2 million € and the funding requested from the European Commission has been set with an upper limit of 11,4 million €. The project will last from January 1, 2008 until June 30, 2012.
Source: CNGB Project ( ID CNPhis0002808 )
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Literature(s): -
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Source: CNGB Project ( ID CNP0000060 )
Project name: -
Description: -
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Sample scope: -
Relevance: -
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Organization: -
Accession in other database: -
Literature(s): -
Release date: -
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DOI: -
Data size : -
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Referenced accession ID :
The dataset references CNPhis0002808, CNP0000060, PRJEB2062, PRJEB22492, thanks to the submitters and researchers of the data.
How to site the dataset :
To respect the results of the dataset creator and updater, it is recommended to reference the dataset accession ID in the article :
The dataset that support this study is DATAXXXXXX which was created in CNGBdb(https://db.cngb.org)