China National GeneBank

Technical service

Technical Services

Biological Resource Center of Plants, Animals and Microorganisms has been well equipped with biological facilities and techniques to enable us to provide excellent outsource technical services for researchers. It has established various technical systems including cell culture, biological testing, sample deposit, screening and identification of bacteria strains. Until now, Biological Resource Center of Plants, Animals and Microorganisms has worked in partnership with many research institutes and cooperation agencies to facilitate product development and paper publication.

The technical services Biological Resource Center of Plants, Animals and Microorganisms provides are detailed as follows:

Animal Cell Bank

Animal Cell Bank can help customers with cell culture, testing and long-term cryopreservation of cell lines. Customers should offer suitable tissue samples or cell lines as required. Expected time for delivery might vary depending on the requested situations.

1. Cell Culture

  1. Primary Cell culture

Sample type: Fresh skin tissue, muscle, umbilical cord, placenta, adipose tissue, kidney, fresh blood sample collected in anticoagulant tubes (heparin or sodium citrate), etc.

Transportation: 2-8℃

Delivery: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks; report on cell culture, including cell morphology analysis, cell viability, microorganism contamination detection; others as requested

  1. Cell Proliferation in vitro

Sample type: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks

Transportation: Dry ice or 2-8℃

Delivery: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks; report on cell culture, including cell morphology analysis, cell viability, microorganism contamination detection; others as requested

2. Testing Services

  1. Microorganism Contamination Testing (Bacterial/Fungi/Mycoplasma)

Sample type: Cell culture supernatant

Transportation: 2-8℃

Delivery: Report on microorganism contamination testing, including detection methods, results, etc.

  1. Growth Curve Analysis (Cell Population Doubling Time)

Sample type: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks

Transportation: Dry ice or 2-8℃

Delivery: Raw data collected from the microplate reader; report on cell growth curve analysis, including growth curve plot, population doubling time calculation, etc.

  1. Histochemistry Staining Analysis

Sample type: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks

Transportation: Dry ice or 2-8℃

Delivery: Raw data; report on histochemistry staining, including method, result and further analysis

  1. Immunofluorescence Staining Analysis

Sample type: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks (Customers offer antibodies)

Transportation: Dry ice or 2-8℃ for cells; 2-8℃ for antibodies

Delivery: Raw data; report on immunofluorescence staining, including antigen type, result and further analysis

  1. Flow Cytometry Analysis

Sample type: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks (Customers offer antibodies)

Transportation: Dry ice or 2-8℃ for cells; 2-8℃ for antibodies

Delivery: Raw data; report on flow cytometry analysis, including single parameter histogram, scatter plot, etc.

3. Deposit Services

We provide long-term cryopreservation service for customers using ultra-low temperature preservation systems.

Sample type: Frozen cells in cryogenic vials or cell culture in culture flasks

Transportation: Dry ice or 2-8℃

Bank of Plant Resource

Bank of Plant Resource can provide voucher specimen preparation, seed treatment and seed storage services. Customers need to offer suitable samples according to their specific requirements. Delivery time may vary according to the requested situations.

1. Voucher Specimen Preparation

Sample type: Dried botanical specimens with legal information and other associated data; specimens free of diseases and insect eggs

Transportation: Ambient temperature

Delivery: Voucher specimen fixed on the herbarium sheet; associated collection information labeled appropriately

2. Seed Treatment

Sample type: Primarily dried botanical seeds (orthodox seeds) with legal information and other associated data; specimens free of diseases and insect eggs

Transportation: Ambient temperature

Delivery: Clean seeds with designated moisture content; intact package

3. Seed storage

Sample type: Post-treated clean seeds (orthodox seeds) with designated viability and moisture content, free of diseases and insect pests

Transportation: Ambient temperature

Storage duration: Short-term or long-term (as customers require)

China National GeneBank Culture Collection

China National GeneBank Culture Collection can provide various technical services for bacterial strains screening, culture, rejuvenation, cryopreservation, identification and culture medium provision. Customers should offer appropriate samples as required. Expected time for delivery might vary depending on the requested situations.

1. Screening of Microbial Strains

Sample type: Fresh samples containing non-pathogenic microorganisms

Sample subtypes: Sample from environmental soil, water; sample from healthy human gut, skin, reproductive tract, oral cavity; sample from animals; food sample; air sample

Delivery: Report on microbial strain screening; others as requested

2. Culture of Microbial Strains

Sample type: Non-pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, actinomycetales, fungi

Sample subtypes: Fresh plate or slant culture; cryopreserved strain in glycerol; freeze-dried strain

Delivery: Microbial strains or DNA (as customers require)

3. Identification of Microbial Strains

  1. 16S rDNA Gene/18S rDNA Gene/ITS Sequencing for Identification

Sample type: Non-pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, actinomycetales, fungi or DNA

Sample subtypes: Fresh microbial strain solution; fresh plate or slant culture; cryopreserved strain in glycerol; freeze-dried strain; DNA

Delivery: Raw data; analysis of 16S rDNA Gene/18S rDNA Gene/ITS sequences

  1. Whole-genome Sequencing of Microbial Strains

Sample type: Non-pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, actinomycetales, fungi or DNA

Sample subtypes: Fresh microbial strain solution; cryopreserved strain in glycerol; freeze-dried strain; DNA

Delivery: Raw data; analysis of whole sequences of microbial strains

4. Detection and Count of Microbial Strains

Sample type: Fresh samples containing non-pathogenic microorganisms

Sample subtypes: Sample from environmental soil, water; sample from healthy human gut, skin, reproductive tract, oral cavity; sample from animals; food sample; air sample

Delivery: Report on microbial strain detection and counting

5. Rejuvenation of Microbial Strains

Sample type: Non-pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, actinomycetales, fungi

Sample subtypes: Fresh plate or slant culture; cryopreserved strain in glycerol; freeze-dried strain

Delivery: Cryopreserved strain in glycerol; freeze-dried strain; others as requested

6. Storage of Microbial Strains

Sample type: Non-pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, actinomycetales, fungi

Sample subtypes: Fresh plate or slant culture; cryopreserved strain in glycerol; freeze-dried strain

Delivery: Cryopreserved strain in glycerol; freeze-dried strain; others as requested

7. Provision of Culture Medium

Service: Different culture medium for microbial culture

Delivery: Culture medium; user's manual