
compute a neighborhood graph of observations by sc.pp.neighbors

Task nameAttribute nameTypeDescription
* main project_nameString project name
* main anndataFile Input object format:anndata
* main.neighbors use_repString Use the indicated representation. 'X' or any key for .obsm is valid. If None, the representation is chosen automatically: For .n_vars < 50, .X is used, otherwise ‘X_pca’ is used. If ‘X_pca’ is not present, it’s computed with default parameters.
* main.neighbors n_pcsInt Use this many PCs. If n_pcs==0 use .X if use_rep is None
* main.neighbors n_neighborsInt The size of local neighborhood (in terms of number of neighboring data points) used for manifold approximation. Larger values result in more global views of the manifold, while smaller values result in more local data being preserved. In general values should be in the range 2 to 100. If knn is True, number of nearest neighbors to be searched. If knn is False, a Gaussian kernel width is set to the distance of the n_neighbors neighbor.
* main.neighbors methodString Use 'umap' or 'gauss' for computing connectivities. Use 'rapids' for the RAPIDS implementation of UMAP (experimental, GPU only).
* main.neighbors memoryString Number of memory running tasksnotice:1. The value range is 0.25-32 cores, in addition, 48 cores and 64 cores can be selected, and the CPU must be an integer multiple of 0.25 cores; 2. The memory value range is 1GB-512GB, and the memory must be an integer multiple of 1GB. 3. The CPU / memory ratio must be between 1:2 and 1:8
* main.neighbors knnBoolean If True, use a hard threshold to restrict the number of neighbors to n_neighbors, that is, consider a knn graph. Otherwise, use a Gaussian Kernel to assign low weights to neighbors more distant than the n_neighbors nearest neighbor.
* main.neighbors key_addedString If not specified, the neighbors data is stored in .uns[‘neighbors’], distances and connectivities are stored in .obsp[‘distances’] and .obsp[‘connectivities’] respectively. If specified, the neighbors data is added to .uns[key_added], distances are stored in .obsp[key_added+’_distances’] and connectivities in .obsp[key_added+’_connectivities’].
* main.neighbors dockerString --
* main.neighbors cpuString Number of CPU running tasks.notice:1. The value range is 0.25-32 cores, in addition, 48 cores and 64 cores can be selected, and the CPU must be an integer multiple of 0.25 cores; 2. The memory value range is 1GB-512GB, and the memory must be an integer multiple of 1GB. 3. The CPU / memory ratio must be between 1:2 and 1:8
Task nameAttribute nameTypeDescription
* main h5adfileFile Return the output file to the column name of the corresponding table by