
rank genes for characterizing groups base on

Task nameAttribute nameTypeDescription
* main.marker groupbyString The key of the observations grouping to consider.
* main project_nameString project name
* main anndataFile Input object format:anndata
* main.marker n_genesInt The number of genes that appear in the returned tables. Defaults to all genes.
* main.marker methodString The default method is 't-test', 't-test_overestim_var' overestimates variance of each group, 'wilcoxon' uses Wilcoxon rank-sum, 'logreg' uses logistic regression. See [Ntranos18], here and here, for why this is meaningful.
* main.marker memoryString Number of memory running tasksnotice:1. The value range is 0.25-32 cores, in addition, 48 cores and 64 cores can be selected, and the CPU must be an integer multiple of 0.25 cores; 2. The memory value range is 1GB-512GB, and the memory must be an integer multiple of 1GB. 3. The CPU / memory ratio must be between 1:2 and 1:8
* main.marker dockerString --
* main.marker cpuString Number of CPU running tasks.notice:1. The value range is 0.25-32 cores, in addition, 48 cores and 64 cores can be selected, and the CPU must be an integer multiple of 0.25 cores; 2. The memory value range is 1GB-512GB, and the memory must be an integer multiple of 1GB. 3. The CPU / memory ratio must be between 1:2 and 1:8
Task nameAttribute nameTypeDescription
* main pngfileArray[File] Return the output file to the column name of the corresponding table by
* main h5adfileFile Return the output file to the column name of the corresponding table by