Last modified / Version: 2025-03-17 15:25:59
What is CNGBdb?
China National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb) is a unified platform for biological big data sharing and application service. Based on underlying big data and cloud computing, it provides a variety of services including convenient submission and storage, automatic archive and management, full retrieval and download, and intelligent computing of biological data. The database is freely available to all, which will promote the effective use of data and the development of life sciences and bioindustry.
What data can be submitted to CNGBdb?
CNGBdb accepts biological data such as projects, samples, experiments, raw data, assembly, spatial omics data, other data types. For more details, please refer to our data submission instructions.
How to retrieve?
With the full-text search engine on the home page of CNGBdb, users can search with any combined keywords, obtain the retrieval results quickly, locate and download the related data.
How to download the data?
Users can download data on the Download page via the downloadable database link to the FTP site or recommend download tools. For more details, please refer to our data download instructions.
How to contact us for more information?
Please contact us if any problem or suggestion.
Address: China National GeneBank, Jinsha Road, Dapeng District, Shenzhen
China Tel: 0755-36307296
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