Human Gut (9.9M)

  • Data
  •   Gene Catalog Reference

      Gene profile, taxonomic profile, KO profile

      Gene Annotation

    File format specification :

    Gene IDUnique ID
    Gene NameUnique name
    Gene LengthLength of nucleotide sequence
    Gene Completeness StatusStating a gene is complete or partial according to the gene predictor
    Cohort OriginStating the cohort contributing the representative gene
    Taxonomic Annotation(Phylum Level)Annotated phylum for a gene
    Taxonomic Annotation(Genus Level)Annotated genus for a gene
    KEGG AnnotationAnnotated KO(s) for a gene
    eggNOG AnnotationAnnotated eggNOG(s) for a gene
    Sample Occurence FrequencyOccurrence frequency in samples based on gene profile
    Individual Occurence FrequencyOccurrence frequency in individuals based on gene profile
    KEGG Functional CategoriesKEGG functional category(ies) of the annotated KO(s)
    eggNOG Functional CategorieseggNOG functional category(ies) of the annotated eggNOG(s)
    Cohort AssembledStating the metagenomic sequencing cohort(s) contributing the representaive gene or a redundant gene belonging to it
  • Summary
  • #ORFs% Complete ORFsTotal length (bp)Average length (bp)N50 (bp)N90 (bp)Max lengthMin length% annotated on Phylum level% annotated on Genus level% annotated on KO% annotated on eggNOG

    * ORFs: open reading frame
    * N50: it is the length for which the collection of all contigs of that length or longer contains at least half of the total of the lengths of the contigs
    * N90: it is the length for which the collection of all contigs of that length or longer contains at least 90% of the total of the lengths of the contigs
    * KO: KEGG orthologue group
    * eggNOG (evolutionary genealogy of genes: Non-supervised Orthologous Groups)
    See our paper for details.

    Gene length

    Number of genes assembled from only one cohort or multiple cohorts

    Phylum composition

    Genus composition

    Distribution among eggNOG secondary functional categories

    Distribution among KEGG secondary functional categories


    Li, J. et al. An integrated catalog of reference genes in the human gut microbiome. Nat. Biotechnol. (2014).