
As a comprehensive bio-big data infrastructure, CNGBdb integrates globally leading multi-omics data resources and bioinformatics analysis tools. Hosting over 17 petabytes of multidimensional data spanning genomics, spatiotemporal transcriptomics, single-cell omics, healthcare, and pathogenic microorganisms, the platform has empowered 600+ global research institutions, facilitating the publication of 1,817 scientific papers spanning 428 academic journals. CNGBdb delivers a one-stop service ecosystem encompassing database management, AI-driven analytics, and secure data sharing, driving cutting-edge collaboration across academia and industry.


Database Services

Service Catalogue Service Introduction Contact
Basic Database Development Service Based on the CNGBdb framework and data architecture, this service offers fundamental database services. Modules include: homepage, data search, genome browser, BLAST sequence alignment, and data download.

Email: CNGBdb@cngb.org,

Phone: 0755-36307296


Standard Database Development Service This service constructs biological databases based on international standards (e.g., INSDC, ClinVar), providing basic data cleaning and annotation services. Modules include: homepage, multi-omics data visualization (genomics, transcriptomics, variations, phenotypes, metabolomics, microbiomics, germplasm resources, etc.), multi-omics data search engine, genome browser, BLAST sequence alignment, LiftOver, GWAS, LD viewer, KEGG/GO, etc. 
Advanced Database Development Service Building on the standard version, this service offers customized development based on research topics and user needs. 
Identification Database Development Service Based on CNGBdb's datasets for flora, fauna, and microorganisms, this service customizes species-specific marker databases and develops intelligent identification models. 
Database Hosting Service PB-level storage with third-level security protection, including regular security scans. 


Server Rental Services

Service Catalogue Service Introduction Contact
Analysis Server Rental Service

Provides mainstream computing nodes with various configurations, as well as heterogeneous computing nodes with CPU+GPU, supporting heterogeneous acceleration.

Email: CNGBdb@cngb.org,

Phone: 0755-36307296

Storage Server Rental Service Offers high-performance storage services and near-line storage services. 


Training Services

Service Catalogue Service Introduction Contact
Data Science and Research Thinking Training Course

 Cultivate research thinking from scratch based on big data projects. Learn how to identify and analyze scientific questions and solve them using bioinformatics methods.

Certification: Certificate awarded upon completion.

Email: CNGBdb@cngb.org,

Phone: 0755-36307296

Bioinformatics Database Engineer Professional Training Course

Design and development of scientific database websites. Proficient in modern website development processes and technologies, covering the full technology stack including front-end and back-end development, site testing, and database operations.

Certification: Certificate awarded upon completion.

Bioinformatics Engineer Professional Training Course

Focuses on bioinformatics analysis skills, including whole-genome sequencing (WGS), transcriptomics, single-cell transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, and metagenomics analysis. Combines theory and hands-on practice.

Certification: Certificate awarded upon completion.


Analysis Services

Service Catalogue Service Introduction Contact
Whole-Genome Analysis Service Full-process analysis from raw data to variant detection (SNP/Indel/SV), including GWAS analysis and construction of population phylogenetic trees (supporting scales up to thousands of individuals).

Email: CNGBdb@cngb.org,

Phone: 0755-36307296

Transcriptomics Analysis Service RNA-Seq differential expression analysis (DESeq2/edgeR), lncRNA prediction, WGCNA co-expression network, and pathway enrichment analysis (KEGG/GO).
Metagenomics Analysis Service

Microbial species composition analysis (MetaPhlAn4), antibiotic resistance gene detection (CARD), and metabolic pathway reconstruction (HUMAnN3), with support for cross-platform data integration.
Single-Cell Omics Analysis Service Data quality control for 10x Genomics/CellRanger, Seurat cell clustering, CellTypist automatic annotation, and pseudotime analysis (Monocle3).
Spatial Omics Analysis Service Spatial transcriptome data stitching, identification of spatially differential genes (SPARK), and modeling of cell niche interaction networks.


Data Product Services

Service Catalogue Service Introduction Contact
Data Download, Analysis, and Processing Services

Offers data organization and download services from domestic and international data archives (such as NCBI), with support for customized output. Services include standard quality control, removal of host sequences, SNP calling, GWAS analysis, basic genome annotation, and other fundamental analysis services.

Email: CNGBdb@cngb.org,

Phone: 0755-36307296