10kp Project Overview

Sample Preparation

Please fill in the online forms under either "New submission" portal. Once your submission is reviewed and accepted by the administrator, you can start sample preparation. Prepare your DNA or RNA sample with the help of our recommended protocols (Extraction of...High molecular weight...Preparation of megabase-sized DNA...) to meet the minimum requirement of sample quality.

Library Construction

The library will be constructed with the standard protocol of BGI.


All of the sequencing will be done on the MGISEQ platform,For more information of the MGISEQ platform please go to the MGISEQ website.

Genome Assembly & Annotation

All the sequencing data will be assembled and annotated by continuously developed bioinformatic tools.

Database & Data share

The data of 10KP will be opened and shared to CNGB Nucleotide Sequence Archive & GigaDB to provide global researchers with the most comprehensive data and information of 10KP project, enabling researchers to access and use data easily and deeply.


Sample Preparation

Library Construction


Genome Assembly & Annotation

Database & Data share

Sequencing Priority and Data Release

Sequencing Priority

Stage 1. Sequencing priority will be given to species selected from each plant family (about 700). This will help to create the Plant Tree of Life based on family-level high-quality reference genomes.

Stage 2. Sequence the species selected from each plant family in more detail, increasing the density of the samples employed to the genus-level.

We call for global collaboration to have a community effort to help fill all families and all genera. We would encourage efforts to build high-quality genomes for every family (stage 1) by highly motivated and skilled labs

Data Release

Annotated genome sequences will be released through the CNGB Nucleotide Sequence Archive on a regular basis. An accompanying Gigascience "data release" publication will be prepared together with the sample providers.

Sequencing Technology and Sample Requirements

All of the sequencing will be done on the MGISEQ platform:

  • For MGISEQ (traditional):Minimum amount of DNAs >50ug ; DNA fragments >20kb
  • For MGISEQ + 10X:Minimum amount of DNAs >5 ng ; DNA fragments >50kb or even better >100kb
  • For MGISEQ + LFT:Minimum amount of DNAs >5 ng ; DNA fragments >50kb or even better >100kb
  • For MGISEQ + Hi-C:Require very high-quality HWM DNA (fragments larger than 50kb, or preferably larger than 100kb)