Note: This variant is multiallelic! The other alt alleles are:
This variant is only covered in 312 individuals
(adjusted allele number = 624).
This means that the site is covered in fewer than 80% of the individuals in GMGD,
which may indicate a low-quality site.
Note: These are site-level quality metrics: they may be unpredictable for multi-allelic sites.
Site Quality: 19271.8
BaseQRankSum: 0
MQRankSum: 0
InbreedingCoeff: 0.5146
VQSLOD: 6.95
FS: 7.527
MQ: 59.86
QD: 33.23
DP: 1535
ReadPosRankSum: 0
This variant falls on 1 transcripts in 1 genes:
Note: This list may not include additional transcripts in the same gene that the variant does not overlap.
Population Frequency Miao 0.2766 Yao 0.1333 Dong 0.075 Bouyei 0.0926 Gelao 0.2436 Zhuang 0.15 Sui 0.1125 Yi 0.0875 Bai 0.2333 Tujia 0.1282 Hui 0.2125 Total 0.110577
Population Frequency Africa/African-American N/A Ashkenazi Jewish N/A East Asian N/A Finnish N/A Non-Finnish European N/A OTH N/A
Population Frequency Africa/African-American N/A Admixed American/Latino N/A East Asian N/A European N/A