Axolotl Regenerative Telencephalon Interpretation via Spatiotemporal Transcriptomic Atlas (ARTISTA) is a spatially resolved transcriptomic data resource that provides visualization of gene expression across the regeneration and development stages of axolotl telencephalon at single cell resolution, aiming to provide a systematic dissection of the molecular events underlying neural regeneration in the axolotl brain, laying the foundation for further mechanistic studies. To comprehensively understand cellular dynamics occurred during axolotl brain regeneration and development, here, we carried out a series of spatial transcriptome analyses on serial sections along the rostral-caudal axis of 2 (3 sections), 5 (3 sections), 10 (3 sections), 15 (4 sections), 20 (3 sections), 30 and 60 days post injury (DPI) brain tissues after removal of a reproducible portion of dorsal pallium in left telencephalic hemisphere of 11 cm length axolotl. We also collected sections from developmental (stage 44, 54, and 57), juvenile, adult, and metamorphosed axolotl telencephalons. Based on this dataset, researchers can quickly explore the gene expression profiles of their interested cell types in spatial map across different regeneration and development stages of axolotl telencephalon.
Search for the annotation and gene expression in each coronary axolotl telencephalon section across regeneration and development stages.
Protocol of the Stereo-seq chip generation and library preparation.
We have made our raw data and software resource available for analyse the raw data for the research community.
We provided our processed data and meta data available for the research community.
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