Haeussler M, Zweig AS, Tyner C, Speir ML, Rosenbloom KR, Raney BJ, Lee CM, Lee BT, Hinrichs AS, Gonzalez JN, Gibson D, Diekhans M, Clawson H, Casper J, Barber GP, Haussler D, Kuhn RM, Kent WJ. The UCSC Genome Browser database: 2019 update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jan 8;47(D1):D853-D858. PMID: 30407534; PMC: PMC6323953
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Tyner C, Barber GP, Casper J, Clawson H, Diekhans M, Eisenhart C, Fischer CM, Gibson D, Gonzalez JN, Guruvadoo L, Haeussler M, Heitner S, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Lee BT, Lee CM, Nejad P, Raney BJ, Rosenbloom KR, Speir ML, Villarreal C, Vivian J, Zweig AS, Haussler D, Kuhn RM, Kent WJ. The UCSC Genome Browser database: 2017 update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Jan 4;45(D1):D626-D634. PMID: 27899642; PMC: PMC5210591
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Haeussler M, Concordet JP. Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9: Can It Get Any Better?. J Genet Genomics. 2016 May 20;43(5):239-50. PMID: 27210042
Haeussler M, Schönig K, Eckert H, Eschstruth A, Mianné J, Renaud JB, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shkumatava A, Teboul L, Kent J et al. Evaluation of off-target and on-target scoring algorithms and integration into the guide RNA selection tool CRISPOR. Genome Biol. 2016 Jul 5;17(1):148. PMID: 27380939; PMC: PMC4934014
Hinrichs AS, Raney BJ, Speir ML, Rhead B, Casper J, Karolchik D, Kuhn RM, Rosenbloom KR, Zweig AS, Haussler D, Kent WJ. UCSC Data Integrator and Variant Annotation Integrator. Bioinformatics. 2016 May 1;32(9):1430-2. PMID: 26740527; PMC: PMC4848401
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Miga KH. Completing the human genome: the progress and challenge of satellite DNA assembly. Chromosome Res. 2015 Sep;23(3):421-6. PMID: 26363799
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Nguyen N, Hickey G, Zerbino DR, Raney B, Earl D, Armstrong J, Kent WJ, Haussler D, Paten B. Building a pan-genome reference for a population. J Comput Biol. 2015 May;22(5):387-401. PMID: 25565268; PMC: PMC4424974
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Earl D, Nguyen NK, Hickey G, Harris RS, Fitzgerald S, Beal K, Seledtsov I, Molodtsov V, Raney B, Clawson H, Kim J, Kemena C, Chang JM, Erb I, Poliakov A, Hou M, Herrero J, Solovyev V, Darling AE, Ma J, Notredame C, Brudno M, Dubchak I, Haussler D, Paten B. Alignathon: A competitive assessment of whole genome alignment methods. Genome Res. 2014 Dec;24(12):2077-89. doi: 10.1101/gr.174920.114. Epub 2014 Oct 1. PMID: 25273068; PMC: PMC4248324
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Ewing AD, Ballinger TJ, Earl D, Broad Institute Genome Sequencing and Analysis Program and Platform, Harris CC, Ding L, Wilson RK, Haussler D. Retrotransposition of gene transcripts leads to structural variation in mammalian genomes. Genome Biol. 2013 Mar 13;14(3):R22. PMID: 23497673; PMC: PMC3663115
Goldman M, Craft B, Swatloski T, Ellrott K, Cline M, Diekhans M, Ma S, Wilks C, Stuart J, Haussler D, Zhu J. The UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser: update 2013. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D949-54. PMID: 23109555; PMC: PMC3531186
Hickey G, Paten B, Earl D, Zerbino D, Haussler D. HAL: a hierarchical format for storing and analyzing multiple genome alignments. Bioinformatics. 2013 May 15;29(10):1341-2. PMID: 23505295; PMC: PMC3654707
Kuhn RM, Haussler D, Kent WJ. The UCSC genome browser and associated tools. Brief Bioinform. 2013 Mar;14(2):144-61. PMID: 22908213; PMC: PMC3603215
Meyer LR, Zweig AS, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Kuhn RM, Wong M, Sloan CA, Rosenbloom KR, Roe G, Rhead B, Raney BJ, Pohl A, Malladi VS, Li CH, Lee BT, Learned K, Kirkup V, Hsu F, Heitner S, Harte RA, Haeussler M, Guruvadoo L, Goldman M, Giardine BM, Fujita PA, Dreszer TR, Diekhans M, Cline MS, Clawson H, Barber GP, Haussler D, Kent WJ. The UCSC Genome Browser database: extensions and updates 2013. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D64-9. PMID: 23155063; PMC: PMC3531082
Rosenbloom KR, Sloan CA, Malladi VS, Dreszer TR, Learned K, Kirkup VM, Wong MC, Maddren M, Fang R, Heitner SG, Lee BT, Barber GP, Harte RA, Diekhans M, Long JC, Wilder SP, Zweig AS, Karolchik D, Kuhn RM, Haussler D, Kent WJ. ENCODE data in the UCSC Genome Browser: year 5 update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D56-63. PMID: 23193274; PMC: PMC3531152
Sanborn JZ, Salama SR, Grifford M, Brennan CW, Mikkelsen T, Jhanwar S, Katzman S, Chin L, Haussler D. Double minute chromosomes in glioblastoma multiforme are revealed by precise reconstruction of oncogenic amplicons. Cancer Res. 2013 Oct 1;73(19):6036-45. Epub 2013 Aug 12. PMID: 23940299; PMC: PMC3800429
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