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ENCODE Project at NHGRI Data Standards

Guidelines for Experiments

The ENCODE Consortium has adopted uniform guidelines for the most common ENCODE experiments. The guidelines have evolved over time, as technologies have changed. The current guidelines are informed by results gathered during the project. Previous versions of the standards are also posted for reference.

Platform Characterization

ENCODE datasets are collected using a variety of platforms, such as ChIP-seq and RNA-seq. The consortium has undertaken several efforts to characterize these platforms to better understand the data being collected using them. Some of these efforts are described on this page.

Quality Metrics

The ENCODE consortium analyzes the quality of the data produced using a variety of metrics. To view the quality metrics for many ENCODE datasets, go to this page. The quality metrics will be updated on occasion to include more recent data. Note that antibody validation information can be found at ENCODE Antibodies. The Platform Characterization page, described above also examines an issue related to data quality.

Updated 04 June 2012