a database for single-cell screening of virus target cells in animal kingdom

Taxonomy: Cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Metazoa; Eumetazoa; Bilateria; Deuterostomia; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Gnathostomata; Teleostomi; Euteleostomi; Sarcopterygii; Dipnotetrapodomorpha; Tetrapoda; Amniota; Sauropsida; Sauria; Archelosauria; Archosauria; Dinosauria; Saurischia; Theropoda; Coelurosauria; Aves; Neognathae; Galloanserae; Anseriformes; Anatidae,

Latin Name: Anas platyrhynchos domesticus

Tested tissues: Lung,

Data set information
Project Date Technology Tissue Condition Cell PMID/DOI
Vthunter_0050 2021.04 10X Genomics Lung Normal 19818 Link
Virus Virus Name GeneTop 5 cell types expressing viral receptor ordered by expression proportion
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Lung-T cells : 100.00% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 95.78% ;
Lung-ATI : 95.33% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 94.20% ;
Lung-ATII : 92.91% ;
Lung-ATI : 7.13% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.97% ;
Lung-B cells : 6.85% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 6.12% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.01% ;
Hepacivirus C
Lung-Secretory cells : 95.30% ;
Lung-ATI : 90.10% ;
Lung-ATII : 87.17% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 83.50% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 75.62% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 53.18% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 51.86% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 51.17% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 45.38% ;
Lung-B cells : 41.78% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 14.29% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.60% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Lung-ATI : 7.13% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.97% ;
Lung-B cells : 6.85% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 6.12% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.01% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 2.87% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 2.05% ;
Influenza A virus
Lung-Secretory cells : 95.30% ;
Lung-ATI : 90.10% ;
Lung-ATII : 87.17% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 83.50% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 75.62% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 93.58% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 68.14% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 67.83% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 67.35% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 66.84% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 69.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 58.22% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 51.02% ;
Lung-ATII : 48.01% ;
Lung-ATI : 41.17% ;
Lung-T cells : 36.84% ;
Lung-ATI : 34.92% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 31.07% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 30.61% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 30.15% ;
Human betaherpesvirus 5
Lung-Secretory cells : 95.30% ;
Lung-ATI : 90.10% ;
Lung-ATII : 87.17% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 83.50% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 75.62% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.81% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.71% ;
Lung-B cells : 37.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 37.34% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Varicella Zoster Virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 76.02% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 68.41% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 58.01% ;
Lung-B cells : 57.53% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 57.43% ;
Human alphaherpesvirus 3
Lung-Ciliated cells : 76.02% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 68.41% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 58.01% ;
Lung-B cells : 57.53% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 57.43% ;
Vesicular stomatitis virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 69.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 58.22% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 51.02% ;
Lung-ATII : 48.01% ;
Lung-ATI : 41.17% ;
Hendra henipavirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 59.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 46.48% ;
Lung-B cells : 42.47% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 41.80% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.94% ;
Nipah henipavirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 59.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 46.48% ;
Lung-B cells : 42.47% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 41.80% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.94% ;
Simian rotavirus A strain RRV
Lung-Ciliated cells : 54.20% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 51.70% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 51.02% ;
Lung-B cells : 49.32% ;
Lung-ATII : 48.54% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 16.45% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 8.58% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.36% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.56% ;
Human alphaherpesvirus 1
Lung-Secretory cells : 52.74% ;
Lung-ATII : 21.43% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 18.44% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.39% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.39% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 36.07% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 18.80% ;
Lung-ATI : 14.96% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-ATII : 9.12% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 16.19% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 12.42% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 10.20% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 9.94% ;
Coxsackievirus A9
Lung-Secretory cells : 52.74% ;
Lung-ATII : 21.43% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 18.44% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.39% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.39% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Foot-and-mouth disease virus
Lung-Secretory cells : 52.74% ;
Lung-ATII : 21.43% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 18.44% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.39% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.39% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 36.07% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 18.80% ;
Lung-ATI : 14.96% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-ATII : 9.12% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Coxsackievirus B1
Lung-Secretory cells : 52.74% ;
Lung-ATII : 21.43% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 18.44% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.39% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.39% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Oliveros mammarenavirus
Lung-ATI : 47.11% ;
Lung-ATII : 39.58% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 34.99% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 33.36% ;
Lassa mammarenavirus
Lung-ATI : 47.11% ;
Lung-ATII : 39.58% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 34.99% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 33.36% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 38.12% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 33.91% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 29.97% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.95% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.62% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.66% ;
Lung-ATII : 5.45% ;
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis mammarenavirus
Lung-ATI : 47.11% ;
Lung-ATII : 39.58% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 34.99% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 33.36% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.95% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.62% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.66% ;
Lung-ATII : 5.45% ;
Latino mammarenavirus
Lung-ATI : 47.11% ;
Lung-ATII : 39.58% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 34.99% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 33.36% ;
Infectious bronchitis virus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.81% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.71% ;
Lung-B cells : 37.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 37.34% ;
Human coronavirus 229E
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.81% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.71% ;
Lung-B cells : 37.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 37.34% ;
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.81% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.71% ;
Lung-B cells : 37.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 37.34% ;
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.81% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.71% ;
Lung-B cells : 37.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 37.34% ;
Canine coronavirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.81% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.71% ;
Lung-B cells : 37.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 37.34% ;
Feline coronavirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.81% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.71% ;
Lung-B cells : 37.67% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 37.34% ;
Human parvovirus B19
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Human gammaherpesvirus 4
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Human metapneumovirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Human rotavirus strain WA
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 16.45% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 8.58% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.36% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.56% ;
Echovirus E1
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 16.45% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 8.58% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.36% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.56% ;
Adeno-associated virus - 2
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 25.59% ;
Lung-ATI : 12.27% ;
Lung-ATII : 12.24% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 11.87% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 11.64% ;
Mammalian orthoreovirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-ATII : 13.19% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 6.12% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 5.53% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 4.92% ;
Echovirus E8
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 16.45% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 8.58% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.36% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.56% ;
Equid alphaherpesvirus 1
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 42.11% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 40.83% ;
Lung-ATII : 37.58% ;
Lung-ATI : 37.37% ;
Lung-T cells : 36.84% ;
Lung-B cells : 36.30% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 22.13% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 19.42% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 17.14% ;
Andes orthohantavirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.12% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 27.98% ;
Lung-ATII : 27.01% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 26.37% ;
Sin Nombre orthohantavirus
Lung-Endothelial cells : 45.12% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 27.98% ;
Lung-ATII : 27.01% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 26.37% ;
Bovine leukemia virus
Lung-Secretory cells : 44.13% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 35.01% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 34.53% ;
Lung-ATII : 34.07% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 31.15% ;
Polytropic murine leukemia virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.98% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 28.16% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 26.31% ;
Lung-B cells : 22.60% ;
Xenotropic murine leukemia virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 37.30% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.98% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 28.16% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 26.31% ;
Lung-B cells : 22.60% ;
Rabies lyssavirus
Lung-Fibroblasts : 36.83% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 28.48% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 18.21% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 16.97% ;
Lung-B cells : 11.64% ;
Human papillomavirus type 16
Lung-ATII : 33.51% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 31.85% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 27.39% ;
Lung-ATI : 26.05% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 25.31% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 4.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 4.61% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 4.14% ;
Lung-ATII : 4.10% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 4.08% ;
Classical swine fever virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Adeno-associated virus - 3
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Sindbis virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Adeno-associated virus - 8
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Dengue virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.95% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.62% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.66% ;
Lung-ATII : 5.45% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 2.87% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 2.05% ;
Adeno-associated virus 9
Lung-Ciliated cells : 29.30% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 28.57% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 28.46% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-B cells : 26.03% ;
Human mastadenovirus C
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 12.81% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-B cells : 10.27% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 10.18% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 9.92% ;
Human gammaherpesvirus 8
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 4.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 4.44% ;
Lung-ATI : 3.88% ;
Lung-Fibroblasts : 3.53% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 3.48% ;
West Nile virus
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Human parechovirus 1
Lung-Secretory cells : 27.15% ;
Lung-T cells : 26.32% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 23.29% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 23.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 20.67% ;
Human alphaherpesvirus 2
Lung-Secretory cells : 16.19% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 12.42% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 10.20% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 9.94% ;
Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1
Lung-Secretory cells : 16.19% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 12.42% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 10.20% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 9.94% ;
Suid alphaherpesvirus 1
Lung-Secretory cells : 16.19% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 12.42% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 10.20% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 9.94% ;
Feline leukemia virus strain B/lambda-B1
Lung-T cells : 15.79% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 14.96% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 12.53% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 8.12% ;
Gibbon ape leukemia virus
Lung-T cells : 15.79% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 14.96% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 12.53% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 8.12% ;
Amphotropic murine leukemia virus
Lung-T cells : 15.79% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 14.96% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 12.53% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 8.12% ;
Coxsackievirus A10
Lung-Fibroblasts : 14.64% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 11.49% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 10.55% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 9.78% ;
Lung-B cells : 6.85% ;
Ecotropic murine leukemia virus
Lung-Ciliated cells : 14.55% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 2.35% ;
Machupo mammarenavirus
Lung-Macrophages : 14.29% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.60% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Argentinian mammarenavirus
Lung-Macrophages : 14.29% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.60% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Mouse mammary tumor virus
Lung-Macrophages : 14.29% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.60% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Feline panleukopenia virus
Lung-Macrophages : 14.29% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.60% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Canine parvovirus
Lung-Macrophages : 14.29% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.60% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Guanarito mammarenavirus
Lung-Macrophages : 14.29% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 6.60% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Chikungunya virus
Lung-Fibroblasts : 13.48% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.52% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Lung-T cells : 10.53% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.36% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.53% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 7.27% ;
Lung-ATII : 6.79% ;
Ross River virus
Lung-Fibroblasts : 13.48% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.52% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Mayaro virus
Lung-Fibroblasts : 13.48% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.52% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Onyong-nyong virus
Lung-Fibroblasts : 13.48% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 8.16% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.52% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 6.53% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Feline leukemia virus strain C/FA27
Lung-ATII : 12.37% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 9.14% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.76% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 5.82% ;
Lung-ATI : 4.91% ;
Coxsackievirus A16
Lung-Macrophages : 12.24% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 5.48% ;
Lung-B cells : 5.48% ;
Lung-ATI : 5.30% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 4.49% ;
Enterovirus A71
Lung-Macrophages : 12.24% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 5.48% ;
Lung-B cells : 5.48% ;
Lung-ATI : 5.30% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 4.49% ;
Ebola virus
Lung-Macrophages : 10.20% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 8.61% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 7.83% ;
Lung-ATI : 5.54% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Lung-ATI : 8.95% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.62% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.66% ;
Lung-ATII : 5.45% ;
Marburg marburgvirus
Lung-ATI : 8.95% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.62% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.66% ;
Lung-ATII : 5.45% ;
Zika virus
Lung-ATI : 8.95% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 8.62% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 7.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 6.66% ;
Lung-ATII : 5.45% ;
JC polyomavirus
Lung-Fibroblasts : 8.51% ;
Lung-T cells : 5.26% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 3.94% ;
Lung-Secretory cells : 3.39% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 2.77% ;
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Lung-Secretory cells : 4.70% ;
Lung-Ciliated cells : 4.61% ;
Lung-Endothelial cells : 4.14% ;
Lung-ATII : 4.10% ;
Lung-Macrophages : 4.08% ;