Scientific Name: Pyrrhura molinae
Taxonomy: Cellular organisms-> Eukaryota-> Opisthokonta-> Metazoa-> Eumetazoa-> Bilateria-> Deuterostomia-> Chordata-> Craniata-> Vertebrata-> Gnathostomata-> Teleostomi-> Euteleostomi-> Sarcopterygii-> Dipnotetrapodomorpha-> Tetrapoda-> Amniota-> Sauropsida-> Sauria-> Archelosauria-> Archosauria-> Dinosauria-> Saurischia-> Theropoda-> Coelurosauria-> Aves-> Neognathae-> Psittaciformes-> Psittacidae-> Pyrrhura
Summary: The protein encoded by this gene is a receptor for the xenotropic and polytropic classes of murine leukemia viruses. The encoded protein is involved in phosphate homeostasis by mediating phosphate export from the cell. Defects in this gene have been associated with idiopathic basal ganglia calcification-6. [provided by RefSeq, Jun 2016] [NCBI] [Proteinatlas]
Data set information
Project | Date | Technology | Tissue | Condition | Cell | PMID/DOI |
Vthunter_0052 | 2021.04 | iDrop | PBMC | Normal | 9256 | Link |
Featureplot of receptors
Expression: Ubiquitous expression in heart (RPKM 12.0), testis (RPKM 8.5) and 24 other tissues?