Scientific Name: Pyrrhura molinae
Taxonomy: Cellular organisms-> Eukaryota-> Opisthokonta-> Metazoa-> Eumetazoa-> Bilateria-> Deuterostomia-> Chordata-> Craniata-> Vertebrata-> Gnathostomata-> Teleostomi-> Euteleostomi-> Sarcopterygii-> Dipnotetrapodomorpha-> Tetrapoda-> Amniota-> Sauropsida-> Sauria-> Archelosauria-> Archosauria-> Dinosauria-> Saurischia-> Theropoda-> Coelurosauria-> Aves-> Neognathae-> Psittaciformes-> Psittacidae-> Pyrrhura
Summary: This gene encodes a glycan-binding receptor and member of the C-type lectin family which plays a role in the immune response. C-type lectin receptors are pattern recognition receptors located on immune cells that play a role in the recognition and uptake of both self and non-self glycoproteins as well as mediating cell adhesion, glycoprotein clearance, and cell signaling functions. This gene's protein binds complex-type N-glycans of the viral envelope proteins of Ebola virus, West Nile filovirus, and SARS coronavirus, but not HIV or hepatitis C virus. In mouse, this protein has been shown to recognize activated T-cells and to negatively regulate T-cell receptor-mediated signalling. It also acts as a novel, liver-specific regulator of NK cell-mediated immunity in mouse. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Apr 2021] [NCBI] [Proteinatlas]
Data set information
Project | Date | Technology | Tissue | Condition | Cell | PMID/DOI |
Vthunter_0052 | 2021.04 | iDrop | PBMC | Normal | 9256 | Link |
Featureplot of receptors
Expression: Biased expression in liver (RPKM 17.2), lymph node (RPKM 6.5) and 5 other tissues