Scientific Name: Mus musculus
Taxonomy: Cellular organisms-> Eukaryota-> Opisthokonta-> Metazoa-> Eumetazoa-> Bilateria-> Deuterostomia-> Chordata-> Craniata-> Vertebrata-> Gnathostomata-> Teleostomi-> Euteleostomi-> Sarcopterygii-> Dipnotetrapodomorpha-> Tetrapoda-> Amniota-> Mammalia-> Theria-> Eutheria-> Boreoeutheria-> Euarchontoglires-> Glires-> Rodentia-> Myomorpha-> Muroidea-> Muridae-> Murinae-> Mus-> Mus
Summary: This gene encodes a member of the beta chemokine receptor family, which is predicted to be a seven transmembrane protein similar to G protein-coupled receptors. This protein is expressed by T cells and macrophages, and is known to be an important co-receptor for macrophage-tropic virus, including HIV, to enter host cells. Defective alleles of this gene have been associated with the HIV infection resistance. The ligands of this receptor include monocyte chemoattractant protein 2 (MCP-2), macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP-1 alpha), macrophage inflammatory protein 1 beta (MIP-1 beta) and regulated on activation normal T expressed and secreted protein (RANTES). Expression of this gene was also detected in a promyeloblastic cell line, suggesting that this protein may play a role in granulocyte lineage proliferation and differentiation. This gene is located at the chemokine receptor gene cluster region. An allelic polymorphism in this gene results in both functional and non-functional alleles; the reference genome represents the functional allele. Two transcript variants encoding the same protein have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2015] [NCBI] [Proteinatlas]
Data set information
Project | Date | Technology | Tissue | Condition | Cell | PMID/DOI |
Vthunter_110001 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Bladder | Normal | 2746 | Link |
Vthunter_110002 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | BoneMarrow | Normal | 510 | Link |
Vthunter_110003 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | BoneMarrowcKit | Normal | 5298 | Link |
Vthunter_110004 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | BoneMarrowcKit | Normal | 13019 | Link |
Vthunter_110005 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | BoneMarrowcKit | Normal | 8166 | Link |
Vthunter_110006 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Brain | Normal | 3285 | Link |
Vthunter_110007 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Brain | Normal | 753 | Link |
Vthunter_110008 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | EmbryonicMesenchymeE14.5 | Normal | 2771 | Link |
Vthunter_110009 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Fetal Brain | Normal | 4369 | Link |
Vthunter_110010 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Fetal FemaleGonad | Normal | 8462 | Link |
Vthunter_110011 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Fetal Intestine | Normal | 6076 | Link |
Vthunter_110012 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Fetal Lung | Normal | 6453 | Link |
Vthunter_110013 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Fetal MaleGonad | Normal | 3472 | Link |
Vthunter_110014 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Fetal Stomach | Normal | 6192 | Link |
Vthunter_110015 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Kidney | Normal | 4682 | Link |
Vthunter_110016 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Liver | Normal | 4424 | Link |
Vthunter_110017 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Liver | Normal | 261 | Link |
Vthunter_110018 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Lung | Normal | 2512 | Link |
Vthunter_110019 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Lung | Normal | 1414 | Link |
Vthunter_110020 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Lung | Normal | 3014 | Link |
Vthunter_110021 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Involution | Normal | 3510 | Link |
Vthunter_110022 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Involution | Normal | 1311 | Link |
Vthunter_110024 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Lactation | Normal | 6905 | Link |
Vthunter_110025 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Pregnancy | Normal | 4909 | Link |
Vthunter_110026 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Virgin | Normal | 2081 | Link |
Vthunter_110027 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Virgin | Normal | 1059 | Link |
Vthunter_110028 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Virgin | Normal | 648 | Link |
Vthunter_110029 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | MammaryGland.Virgin | Normal | 1592 | Link |
Vthunter_110033 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Muscle | Normal | 1102 | Link |
Vthunter_110034 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalCalvaria | Normal | 4347 | Link |
Vthunter_110036 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalHeart | Normal | 3948 | Link |
Vthunter_110037 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalMuscle | Normal | 829 | Link |
Vthunter_110038 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalMuscle | Normal | 4044 | Link |
Vthunter_110039 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalPancreas | Normal | 4571 | Link |
Vthunter_110040 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalRib | Normal | 1217 | Link |
Vthunter_110041 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalRib | Normal | 3082 | Link |
Vthunter_110042 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalRib | Normal | 1963 | Link |
Vthunter_110043 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | NeonatalSkin | Normal | 3392 | Link |
Vthunter_110044 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Ovary | Normal | 1931 | Link |
Vthunter_110045 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Pancreas | Normal | 3610 | Link |
Vthunter_110046 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | PeripheralBlood | Normal | 3201 | Link |
Vthunter_110047 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | PlacentaE14.1 | Normal | 1873 | Link |
Vthunter_110048 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | PlacentaE14.2 | Normal | 2473 | Link |
Vthunter_110049 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Prostate | Normal | 1031 | Link |
Vthunter_110050 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Prostate | Normal | 1474 | Link |
Vthunter_110051 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | SmallIntestine | Normal | 3438 | Link |
Vthunter_110052 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | SmallIntestine | Normal | 1671 | Link |
Vthunter_110053 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | SmallIntestine | Normal | 1575 | Link |
Vthunter_110054 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Spleen | Normal | 1970 | Link |
Vthunter_110055 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Stomach | Normal | 2389 | Link |
Vthunter_110056 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Testis | Normal | 2216 | Link |
Vthunter_110057 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Testis | Normal | 11789 | Link |
Vthunter_110058 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | TrophoblastStemCells | Normal | 19489 | Link |
Vthunter_110059 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Uterus | Normal | 2035 | Link |
Vthunter_110060 | 2018.02 | Microwell-seq | Uterus | Normal | 1704 | Link |
Vthunter_110066 | 2019.12 | MARS-seq | TotalBrain | Normal | 2304 | Link |
Vthunter_110101 | 2020.09 | 10X Genomics | Teeth | Teeth | 2888 | Link |
Vthunter_110105 | 2018.07 | 10X Genomics | Adipose | Adipose | 288 | Link |
Vthunter_110106 | 2016.02 | 10X Genomics | PrimaryVisualCortex | PrimaryVisualCortex | 1787 | Link |
Vthunter_110107 | 2019.03 | 10X Genomics | CardiacVentricle | CardiacVentricle | 121 | Link |
Featureplot of receptors
Expression: Broad expression in appendix (RPKM 9.4), lymph node (RPKM 7.4) and 21 other tissues