Scientific Name: Macaca fascicularis
Taxonomy: Cellular organisms-> Eukaryota-> Opisthokonta-> Metazoa-> Eumetazoa-> Bilateria-> Deuterostomia-> Chordata-> Craniata-> Vertebrata-> Gnathostomata-> Teleostomi-> Euteleostomi-> Sarcopterygii-> Dipnotetrapodomorpha-> Tetrapoda-> Amniota-> Mammalia-> Theria-> Eutheria-> Boreoeutheria-> Euarchontoglires-> Primates-> Haplorrhini-> Simiiformes-> Catarrhini-> Cercopithecoidea-> Cercopithecidae-> Cercopithecinae
Summary: The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the TNF-receptor superfamily. This receptor has been shown to activate NF-kappaB through its interaction with adaptor proteins TRAF2 and TRAF5. Knockout studies in mice suggested that this receptor promotes the expression of apoptosis inhibitors BCL2 and BCL2lL1/BCL2-XL, and thus suppresses apoptosis. The knockout studies also suggested the roles of this receptor in CD4+ T cell response, as well as in T cell-dependent B cell proliferation and differentiation. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008] [NCBI] [Proteinatlas]
Data set information
Project | Date | Technology | Tissue | Condition | Cell | PMID/DOI |
Vthunter_1027 | 2019.11 | 10X Genomics | AorticArtery | Normal | 4383 | Link |
Vthunter_1028 | 2019.11 | 10X Genomics | CoronaryArtery | Normal | 3606 | Link |
Featureplot of receptors
Expression: Broad expression in fat (RPKM 2.7), lymph node (RPKM 1.6) and 14 other tissues?